发表于 2012-5-3 17:04:17
optval Type
Winsock Version
If TRUE, socket is configured to send keepalive messages on the session.
For a TCP-based socket, an application can request that the underlying service provider enable the use of keepalive packets on TCP connections by turning on the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. On Windows platforms, keep-alives are implemented in accordance with section of RFC 1122. If a connection is dropped as the result of keepalives, the error code WSAENETRESET is returned to any calls in progress on the socket, and any subsequent calls will fail with WSAENOTCONN. For the exact implementation details, consult the RFC. The important point is that keepalives are sent at intervals no less than two hours apart. The two-hour keepalive time is configurable via the Registry; however, changing the default value changes the keepalive behavior for all TCP connections on the system, which is generally discouraged. Another solution is to implement your own keepalive strategy. Sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM do not support this option.
The Registry keys for keepalives are KeepAliveInterval and KeepAliveTime. Both keys store values of type REG_DWORD in milliseconds. The former key is the interval separating keepalive retransmissions until a response is received; the latter entry controls how often TCP sends a keepalive packet in an attempt to verify that an ideal connection is still valid. In Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me, these keys are located under the following Registry path:
In Windows NT, store the keys under
In Windows 2000, a new socket ioctl command—SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS —allows you to change the keepalive value and interval on a per-socket basis, as opposed to a system-wide basis. This ioctl command is described later in this chapter.
Which Function?
Winsock Version
Sets the TCP keepalive active on a per-connection basis
This ioctl command allows setting the TCP keepalive active on a per-connection basis and allows you to specify the keepalive interval. The socket option SO_KEEPALIVE also enables TCP keepalives, but the interval on which they are sent is set in the Registry. Changing the Registry value will change the keepalive interval for all processes on the machine. This ioctl command allows you to set the interval on a per-socket basis. To set the keepalive active on the given connected socket, initialize a tcp_keepalive structure and pass it as the input buffer. The structure is defined as
struct tcp_keepalive
u_long onoff;
u_long keepalivetime;
u_long keepaliveinterval;
The meaning of the structure fields keepalivetime and keepaliveinterval are identical to the Registry values discussed in the SO_KEEPALIVE option presented earlier in this chapter. Once a keepalive is set, you can query for the current keepalive values by calling WSAIoctl with the SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS ioctl command and supplying a tcp_keepalive structure as the output buffer. This ioctl command is available on Windows 2000 and later versions.