发表于 2009-10-24 16:43:28
原帖由 psycheqiqi 于 2009-10-23 14:42 发表
1450 系统资源不足,无法完成所请求的服务。
以下摘自《windows via c++》,10.5 Basics of Asynchronous Device I/O
If GetLastError returns a value other than ERROR_IO_PENDING, the I/O request could not be queued to the device driver. Here are the most common error codes returned from GetLastError when an I/O request can't be queued to the device driver:
ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER or ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Each device driver maintains a fixed-size list (in a nonpaged pool) of outstanding I/O requests. If this list is full, the system can't queue your request, ReadFile and WriteFile return FALSE, and GetLastError reports one of these two error codes (depending on the driver).
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA Certain devices require that your data buffer's storage be page locked so that the data cannot be swapped out of RAM while the I/O is pending. This page-locked storage requirement is certainly true of file I/O when using the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag. However, the system restricts the amount of storage that a single process can page lock. If ReadFile and WriteFile cannot page lock your buffer's storage, the functions return FALSE and GetLastError reports ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA. You can increase a process' quota by calling SetProcessWorkingSetSize.
How should you handle these errors? Basically, these errors occur because a number of outstanding I/O requests have not yet completed, so you need to allow some pending I/O requests to complete and then reissue the calls to ReadFile and WriteFile. |