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发表于 2014-4-8 22:12:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

HeidiSQL 是一个功能非常强大的 MySQL 客户端软件。它是德国程序员Ansgar Becker和几个Delphi程序员开发的一个开源工具。要通过HeidiSQL来管理数据库,用户应该用有效地凭证登陆到MySQL服务器,创建一个会话。HeidiSQL最大的特色就是操作方便,界面设计合理,功能都是最实用的,尤其适合DBA,它更加强调了对MySQL运行时的参数设置和性能监控等.




 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-8 22:25:42 | 显示全部楼层
What's this?

HeidiSQL screenshot HeidiSQL screenshot: Session manager HeidiSQL is a useful and reliable tool designed for web developers using the popular MySQL server, and Microsoft SQL databases. It enables you to browse and edit data, create and edit tables, views, procedures, triggers and scheduled events. Also, you can export structure and data either to SQL file, clipboard or to other servers. read more...

News RSS feed

30 Mar SSH tunnel rewritten, table partitions and more
The previous integration of plink.exe into HeidiSQL's SSH tunnel connection lacked a message dialog which asked for caching a non-existing host key. This includes some more (error-)messages which c ...
25 Jan HeidiSQL 8.3 released
This is a maintenance release, fixing a build update problem on Win64, along with various other fixes and the new comment field on the session manager.. Get it from the download page.
13 Jan Future development
My dear users. Since late December I am in a bad health condition. I am taking 8 different pills a day to get the symptoms healed. But to also heal the causes, I will leave HeidiSQL how it is now. ...
17 Dec HeidiSQL 8.2 released
This is the first release which ships a 64 bit version along with the 32 bit one. The installer includes both versions. Installing over an existing 32 bit instance will again install the 32 bit ver ...
13 Nov 64bit build available
I'm very proud to serve a 64bit build of heidisql.exe now. My recently bought update to Delphi XE5 magically enabled me to to do so. This will potentionally, hopefully fix some out-of-memory error ...

Free for everyone, OpenSource.
Connect to multiple servers in one window
Connect to servers via commandline
Connect via SSH tunnel, or pass SSL settings
Create and edit tables, views, stored routines, triggers and scheduled events.
Generate nice SQL-exports, compress these afterwards, or put them on the clipboard.
Export from one server/database directly to another server/database
Manage user-privileges
Import text-files
Export table rows as CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX, Wiki Markup and PHP Array
Browse and edit table-data using a comfortable grid
Bulk edit tables (move to db, change engine, collation etc.)
Batch-insert ascii or binary files into tables
Write queries with customizable syntax-highlighting and code-completion
Pretty reformat disordered SQL
Monitor and kill client-processes
Find specific text in all tables of all databases of one server
Optimize and repair tables in a batch manner
Launch a parallel mysql.exe command line window using your current connection settings
And much more
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