楼主 |
发表于 2007-12-14 00:02:05
UPNP.cpp- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "upnp.h"
- #define UPNPPORTMAP0 _T("WANIPConnection")
- #define UPNPPORTMAP1 _T("WANPPPConnection")
- #define UPNPGETEXTERNALIP _T("GetExternalIPAddress"),_T("NewExternalIPAddress")
- #define UPNPADDPORTMAP _T("AddPortMapping")
- #define UPNPDELPORTMAP _T("DeletePortMapping")
- static const ulong UPNPADDR = 0xFAFFFFEF;
- static const int UPNPPORT = 1900;
- static const CString URNPREFIX = _T("urn:schemas-upnp-org:");
- const CString getString(int i)
- {
- CString s;
- s.Format(_T("%d"), i);
- return s;
- }
- const CString GetArgString(const CString& name, const CString& value)
- {
- return _T("<") + name + _T(">") + value + _T("</") + name + _T(">");
- }
- const CString GetArgString(const CString& name, int value)
- {
- return _T("<") + name + _T(">") + getString(value) + _T("</") + name + _T(">");
- }
- bool SOAP_action(CString addr, uint16 port, const CString request, CString &response)
- {
- char buffer[10240];
- const CStringA sa(request);
- int length = sa.GetLength();
- strcpy(buffer, (const char*)sa);
- uint32 ip = inet_addr(CStringA(addr));
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
- memset(&sockaddr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr));
- sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = ip;
- int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- u_long lv = 1;
- ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &lv);
- connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr));
- Sleep(50);
- /*int n =*/ send(s, buffer, length, 0);
- Sleep(500);
- int rlen = recv(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
- closesocket(s);
- if (rlen == SOCKET_ERROR) return false;
- if (!rlen) return false;
- response = CString(CStringA(buffer, rlen));
- return true;
- }
- int SSDP_sendRequest(int s, uint32 ip, uint16 port, const CString& request)
- {
- char buffer[10240];
- const CStringA sa(request);
- int length = sa.GetLength();
- strcpy(buffer, (const char*)sa);
- struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
- memset(&sockaddr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr));
- sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sockaddr.sin_port = htons(port);
- sockaddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = ip;
- return sendto(s, buffer, length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr));
- }
- bool parseHTTPResponse(const CString& response, CString& result)
- {
- int pos = 0;
- CString status = response.Tokenize(_T("\r\n"), pos);
- result = response;
- result.Delete(0, pos);
- pos = 0;
- status.Tokenize(_T(" "), pos);
- status = status.Tokenize(_T(" "), pos);
- if (status.IsEmpty() || status[0]!='2') return false;
- return true;
- }
- const CString getProperty(const CString& all, const CString& name)
- {
- CString startTag = '<' + name + '>';
- CString endTag = _T("</") + name + '>';
- CString property;
- int posStart = all.Find(startTag);
- if (posStart<0) return CString();
- int posEnd = all.Find(endTag, posStart);
- if (posStart>=posEnd) return CString();
- return all.Mid(posStart + startTag.GetLength(), posEnd - posStart - startTag.GetLength());
- }
- MyUPnP::MyUPnP()
- : m_version(1)
- {
- m_uLocalIP = 0;
- isSearched = false;
- }
- MyUPnP::~MyUPnP()
- {
- POSITION pos = m_Mappings.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos){
- search = m_Mappings.GetNext(pos);
- RemoveNATPortMapping(search, false);
- }
- m_Mappings.RemoveAll();
- }
- bool MyUPnP::InternalSearch(int version)
- {
- if(version<=0)version = 1;
- m_version = version;
- CString devices[][2] = {
- {UPNPPORTMAP1, _T("service")},
- {UPNPPORTMAP0, _T("service")},
- {_T("InternetGatewayDevice"), _T("device")},
- };
- int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- u_long lv = 1;
- ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &lv);
- int rlen = 0;
- for (int i=0; rlen<=0 && i<500; i++) {
- if (!(i%100)) {
- for (int i=0; i<NUMBEROFDEVICES; i++) {
- m_name.Format(_T("%s%s:%s:%d"), URNPREFIX, devices[i][1], devices[i][0], version);
- CString request;
- request.Format(_T("M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST:\r\nMAN: "ssdp:discover"\r\nMX: %d\r\nST: %s\r\n\r\n"),
- 6, m_name);
- SSDP_sendRequest(s, UPNPADDR, UPNPPORT, request);
- }
- }
- Sleep(10);
- char buffer[10240];
- rlen = recv(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
- if (rlen <= 0) continue;
- closesocket(s);
- CString response = CString(CStringA(buffer, rlen));
- CString result;
- if (!parseHTTPResponse(response, result)) return false;
- for (int d=0; d<NUMBEROFDEVICES; d++) {
- m_name.Format(_T("%s%s:%s:%d"), URNPREFIX, devices[d][1], devices[d][0], version);
- if (result.Find(m_name) >= 0) {
- for (int pos = 0;;) {
- CString line = result.Tokenize(_T("\r\n"), pos);
- if (line.IsEmpty()) return false;
- CString name = line.Mid(0, 9);
- name.MakeUpper();
- if (name == _T("LOCATION:")) {
- line.Delete(0, 9);
- m_description = line;
- m_description.Trim();
- return GetDescription();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closesocket(s);
- return false;
- }
- bool MyUPnP::Search(int version)
- {
- if (isSearched) return isComplete();
- isSearched = true;
- return InternalSearch(version);
- }
- static CString NGetAddressFromUrl(const CString& str, CString& post, CString& host, int& port)
- {
- CString s = str;
- post = _T("");
- host = post;
- port = 0;
- int pos = s.Find(_T("://"));
- if (!pos) return CString();
- s.Delete(0, pos + 3);
- pos = s.Find('/');
- if (!pos) {
- host = s;
- s = _T("");
- } else {
- host = s.Mid(0, pos);
- s.Delete(0, pos);
- }
- if (s.IsEmpty()) {
- post = _T("");
- } else {
- post = s;
- }
- pos = 0;
- CString addr = host.Tokenize(_T(":"), pos);
- s = host.Tokenize(_T(":"), pos);
- if (s.IsEmpty()) {
- port = 80;
- } else {
- port = _tstoi(s);
- }
- return addr;
- }
- bool MyUPnP::GetDescription()
- {
- if(!Valid())return false;
- CString post, host, addr;
- int port = 0;
- addr = NGetAddressFromUrl(m_description, post, host, port);
- if(addr.IsEmpty())return false;
- CString request = CString(_T("GET ")) + post + _T(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: ") + host + _T("\r\nACCEPT-LANGUAGE: en\r\n\r\n");
- CString response;
- if (!SOAP_action(addr, (uint16)port, request, response)) return false;
- CString result;
- if (!parseHTTPResponse(response, result)) return false;
- m_friendlyname = getProperty(result, _T("friendlyName"));
- m_modelname = getProperty(result, _T("modelName"));
- m_baseurl = getProperty(result, _T("URLBase"));
- if(m_baseurl.IsEmpty())m_baseurl = CString(_T("http://")) + host + _T("/");
- if(m_baseurl[m_baseurl.GetLength() - 1]!='/')m_baseurl += _T("/");
- CString serviceType = _T("<serviceType>") + m_name + _T("</serviceType>");
- int pos = result.Find(serviceType);
- if (pos >= 0) {
- result.Delete(0, pos + serviceType.GetLength());
- pos = result.Find(_T("</service>"));
- if (pos >= 0) {
- result = result.Mid(0, pos);
- m_controlurl = getProperty(result, _T("controlURL"));
- if (!m_controlurl.IsEmpty() && m_controlurl[0] == '/') {
- m_controlurl = m_baseurl + m_controlurl.Mid(1);
- }
- }
- }
- return isComplete();
- }
- CString MyUPnP::GetProperty(const CString& name, CString& response)
- {
- if (!isComplete())return CString();
- CString post, host, addr;
- int port = 0;
- addr = NGetAddressFromUrl(m_controlurl, post, host, port);
- if(addr.IsEmpty())return CString();
- CString cnt;
- CString psr;
- cnt.Append(_T("<s:Envelope\r\n xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"\r\n "));
- cnt.Append(_T("s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">\r\n <s:Body>\r\n <u:"));
- cnt.Append(name);
- cnt.Append(_T(" xmlns:u=""));
- cnt.Append(m_name);
- cnt.Append(_T("">\r\n </u:"));
- cnt.Append(name);
- cnt.Append(_T(">\r\n </s:Body>\r\n</s:Envelope>\r\n\r\n"));
- psr.Append(_T("POST "));
- psr.Append(post);
- psr.Append(_T(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: "));
- psr.Append(host);
- psr.Append(_T("\r\nContent-Length: "));
- psr.Append(getString(CStringA(cnt).GetLength()));
- psr.Append(_T("\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r\nSOAPAction: ""));
- psr.Append(m_name);
- psr.Append(_T("#"));
- psr.Append(name);
- psr.Append(_T(""\r\n\r\n"));
- psr.Append(cnt);
- CString request = psr;
- if (!SOAP_action(addr, (uint16)port, request, response)) return CString();
- CString result;
- if (!parseHTTPResponse(response, result)) return CString();
- return getProperty(result, response);
- }
- bool MyUPnP::InvokeCommand(const CString& name, const CString& args)
- {
- if(!isComplete())return false;
- CString post, host, addr;
- int port = 0;
- addr = NGetAddressFromUrl(m_controlurl, post, host, port);
- if(addr.IsEmpty())return false;
- CString cnt;
- CString psr;
- cnt.Append(_T("<?xml version="1.0"?><s:Envelope\r\n xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"\r\n "));
- cnt.Append(_T("s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">\r\n <s:Body>\r\n <u:"));
- cnt.Append(name);
- cnt.Append(_T(" xmlns:u=""));
- cnt.Append(m_name);
- cnt.Append(_T("">\r\n"));
- cnt.Append(args);
- cnt.Append(_T(" </u:"));
- cnt.Append(name);
- cnt.Append(_T(">\r\n </s:Body>\r\n</s:Envelope>\r\n\r\n"));
- psr.Append(_T("POST "));
- psr.Append(post);
- psr.Append(_T(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST: "));
- psr.Append(host);
- psr.Append(_T("\r\nContent-Length: "));
- psr.Append(getString(CStringA(cnt).GetLength()));
- psr.Append(_T("\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r\nSOAPAction: ""));
- psr.Append(m_name);
- psr.Append(_T("#"));
- psr.Append(name);
- psr.Append(_T(""\r\n\r\n"));
- psr.Append(cnt);
- CString response;
- CString request = psr;
- if (!SOAP_action(addr, (uint16)port, request, response)) return false;
- CString result;
- if (!parseHTTPResponse(response, result)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool MyUPnP::addPortmap(int eport, int iport, const CString& iclient, const CString& descri, const CString& type)
- {
- CString args;
- args.Empty();
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewRemoteHost"), _T("")));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewExternalPort"), eport));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewProtocol"), type));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewInternalPort"), iport));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewInternalClient"), iclient));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewEnabled"), _T("1")));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewPortMappingDescription"), descri));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewLeaseDuration"), 0));
- return InvokeCommand(UPNPADDPORTMAP, args);
- }
- bool MyUPnP::deletePortmap(int eport, const CString& type)
- {
- CString args;
- args.Empty();
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewRemoteHost"), _T("")));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewExternalPort"), eport));
- args.Append(GetArgString(_T("NewProtocol"), type));
- return InvokeCommand(UPNPDELPORTMAP, args);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Adds a NAT Port Mapping
- // Params:
- // UPNPNAT_MAPPING *mapping -> Port Mapping Data
- // If mapping->externalPort is 0, then
- // mapping->externalPort gets the value of mapping->internalPort
- // bool tryRandom:
- // If If mapping->externalPort is in use, tries to find a free
- // random external port.
- //
- // Return:
- // UNAT_OK:
- // Successfull.
- // Error, you are trying to add a port mapping with an external port
- // in use.
- // Error, you aren't in a LAN -> no router or firewall
- // Error, use GetLastError() to get an error description.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MyUPnP::UPNPNAT_RETURN MyUPnP::AddNATPortMapping(UPNPNAT_MAPPING *mapping, bool tryRandom)
- {
- CString ProtoStr, Proto;
- if(!IsLANIP(GetLocalIP())){
- SetLastError(_T("You aren't behind a Hardware Firewall or Router"));
- return UNAT_NOT_IN_LAN;
- }
- if (!isComplete()) {
- Search();
- if (!isComplete()) {
- SetLastError(_T("Can not found a UPnP Router"));
- return UNAT_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (mapping->protocol == UNAT_TCP){
- Proto = _T("TCP");
- ProtoStr = _T("TCP");
- }
- else {
- Proto = _T("UDP");
- ProtoStr = _T("UDP");
- }
- if(mapping->externalPort == 0)
- mapping->externalPort = mapping->internalPort;
- //WORD rndPort = mapping->externalPort;
- for (int retries = 255; retries; retries--) {
- CString Desc;
- Desc.Format(_T("eMule (%s) [%s: %u]"), mapping->description, ProtoStr, mapping->externalPort);
- if (addPortmap(mapping->externalPort, mapping->internalPort, GetLocalIPStr(), Desc, Proto)) {
- m_Mappings.AddTail(*mapping);
- return UNAT_OK;
- }
- if (!tryRandom) {
- SetLastError(_T("External NAT port in use"));
- }
- mapping->externalPort = (WORD)(2049 + (65535 - 2049) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1));
- }
- SetLastError(_T("External NAT port in use: Too many retries"));
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Removes a NAT Port Mapping
- // Params:
- // UPNPNAT_MAPPING *mapping -> Port Mapping Data
- // Should be the same struct passed to AddNATPortMapping
- // bool removeFromList -> Remove the port mapping from the internal list
- // Should by allways true (dafault value if not passed).
- // If you set it to false can cause an unexpected error.
- //
- //
- // Return:
- // UNAT_OK:
- // Successfull.
- // Error, you are trying to remove a port mapping not owned by this class
- // Error, you aren't in a LAN -> no router or firewall
- // Error, use GetLastError() to get an error description.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MyUPnP::UPNPNAT_RETURN MyUPnP::RemoveNATPortMapping(UPNPNAT_MAPPING mapping, bool removeFromList)
- {
- if(!IsLANIP(GetLocalIP())){
- SetLastError(_T("You aren't behind a Hardware Firewall or Router"));
- return UNAT_NOT_IN_LAN;
- }
- if (!isComplete()) {
- Search();
- if (!isComplete()) {
- SetLastError(_T("Can not found a UPnP Router"));
- return UNAT_ERROR;
- }
- }
- for(POSITION pos = m_Mappings.GetHeadPosition(); pos!=NULL; m_Mappings.GetNext(pos)){
- UPNPNAT_MAPPING search = m_Mappings.GetAt(pos);
- if (search.externalPort == mapping.externalPort
- && search.protocol == mapping.protocol)
- {
- CString Proto;
- if (mapping.protocol == UNAT_TCP)
- Proto = _T("TCP");
- else
- Proto = _T("UDP");
- if (deletePortmap(mapping.externalPort, Proto)) {
- if(removeFromList)
- m_Mappings.RemoveAt(pos);
- return UNAT_OK;
- } else {
- SetLastError(_T("Error getting StaticPortMappingCollection"));
- return UNAT_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- SetLastError(_T("Port mapping not owned by this class"));
- }
- void MyUPnP::clearNATPortMapping()
- {
- POSITION pos = m_Mappings.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos){
- search = m_Mappings.GetNext(pos);
- RemoveNATPortMapping(search, false);
- }
- m_Mappings.RemoveAll();
- }
- bool MyUPnP::RemoveSpecifiedPort(WORD port,UPNPNAT_PROTOCOL protocol)
- {
- POSITION pos = m_Mappings.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos){
- POSITION cur_pos = pos;
- search = m_Mappings.GetNext(pos);
- if(search.externalPort==port && search.protocol==protocol)
- {
- RemoveNATPortMapping(search, false);
- m_Mappings.RemoveAt(cur_pos);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Initializes m_localIP variable, for future access to GetLocalIP()
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void MyUPnP::InitLocalIP()
- {
- #ifndef _DEBUG
- try
- #endif
- {
- char szHost[256];
- if (gethostname(szHost, sizeof szHost) == 0){
- hostent* pHostEnt = gethostbyname(szHost);
- if (pHostEnt != NULL && pHostEnt->h_length == 4 && pHostEnt->h_addr_list[0] != NULL){
- struct in_addr addr;
- memcpy(&addr, pHostEnt->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(struct in_addr));
- m_slocalIP = inet_ntoa(addr);
- m_uLocalIP = addr.S_un.S_addr;
- }
- else{
- m_slocalIP = _T("");
- m_uLocalIP = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- m_slocalIP = _T("");
- m_uLocalIP = 0;
- }
- }
- #ifndef _DEBUG
- catch(...){
- m_slocalIP = _T("");
- m_uLocalIP = 0;
- }
- #endif
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns the Local IP
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DWORD MyUPnP::GetLocalIP()
- {
- if(m_uLocalIP == 0)
- InitLocalIP();
- return m_uLocalIP;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns a CString with the local IP in format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CString MyUPnP::GetLocalIPStr()
- {
- if(m_slocalIP.IsEmpty())
- InitLocalIP();
- return m_slocalIP;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Sets the value of m_lastError (last error description)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void MyUPnP::SetLastError(CString error) {
- m_slastError = error;
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns the last error description in a CString
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CString MyUPnP::GetLastError()
- {
- return m_slastError;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns true if nIP is a LAN ip, false otherwise
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool MyUPnP::IsLANIP(DWORD nIP){
- // filter LAN IP's
- // -------------------------------------------
- // 0.*
- // - class A
- // - class B
- // - class C
- unsigned char nFirst = (unsigned char)nIP;
- unsigned char nSecond = (unsigned char)(nIP >> 8);
- if (nFirst==192 && nSecond==168) // check this 1st, because those LANs IPs are mostly spreaded
- return true;
- if (nFirst==172 && nSecond>=16 && nSecond<=31)
- return true;
- if (nFirst==0 || nFirst==10)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
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