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发表于 2008-11-19 11:10:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 windows平台:

class install_agent_srv_handle_s : public ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_MT_SYNCH>
        ACE_Reactor_Notification_Strategy notifier_;

        virtual int open(void * = 0);

virtual int handle_input(ACE_HANDLE fd = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE);
virtual int handle_output(ACE_HANDLE fd = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE);
virtual int handle_close(ACE_HANDLE h, ACE_Reactor_Mask mask);
virtual int put(ACE_Message_Block *msg, ACE_Time_Value * = 0);

       :notifier_ (0, this, ACE_Event_Handler::WRITE_MASK)

int install_agent_srv_handle_s::open(void * param)
int ret = -1;
ACE_NEW_RETURN(this->task_ ,install_task_s, ret);
if(this->task_->open() == 0)
  if(super::open(param) == 0)
   int bufsize = NET_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH;
   peer ().set_option (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &bufsize, sizeof bufsize);
   this->reactor()->register_handler(this, ACE_Event_Handler::WRITE_MASK);

   this->notifier_.reactor (this->reactor ());
   this->msg_queue()->notification_strategy (&this->notifier_);

   ret = 0;
   this->task_ = NULL;
return ret;

int install_agent_srv_handle_s::put(ACE_Message_Block *msg, ACE_Time_Value * )
return ((this->putq(msg) > 0) ? 0 : -1);

int install_agent_srv_handle_s::require_down_install_file(void)
int ret = -1;
ACE_Message_Block *msg = new ACE_Message_Block(sizeof(INSTALL_DATA_S));
  INSTALL_DATA_S *data = (INSTALL_DATA_S*)msg->wr_ptr();
  data->type = INSTALL_DATA_REQUIRE;
  data->plate_form = module_platform_version();
if((ret = put(msg) ) == -1) /* 此处每次调用并没有通知到hand_output ?????*/
return ret;

每次调用put接口都没有触发hand_output接口,这是为什么呢?谁知道msg notify 与reactor的调度机制?是否与waitformultipulateEvent这个接口的触发条件有关系?


2 ace的proactor如何与ssl配合使用,就是在write和recv时也能使用?
发表于 2008-11-19 13:40:31 | 显示全部楼层

4.2 The ACE_Select_Reactor Class
4.4 The ACE_WFMO_Reactor Class
WRITE_MASK semantics different from select(). When a socket can send more data, select() detects a WRITE condition. It will continue to detect this condition as long as the socket remains writeable, that is, until it becomes flow controlled. In contrast, the Windows WSAEventSelect() function only sets the WRITE event when the socket is first connected, whether passively or actively, and when the socket transitions from flow-controlled to writeable. When relying on WRITE events using the ACE_WFMO_Reactor, you must therefore continue to write until the connection closes or the socket becomes flow controlled and a send() fails with EWOULDBLOCK. If this behavior is undesirable, you might consider choosing the ACE_Select_Reactor as the ACE_Reactor implementation on Windows since it has the same WRITE_MASK semantics as on UNIX platforms.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-21 23:40:22 | 显示全部楼层

第二个问题怎么解答呢?  就是分别在proactor和reactor模式下如何使用ssl,只有例子也是可以的阿,大家看看把这个问题能否解决掉呢?
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