如果用Reactor完成这样的任务: 同一台机器上 如果有多个socket在运行 比如 sock_a和sock_b都是流式套接字sock_a接收到数据后 调用InputHandler_a ;sock_b被accept后 调用 inputHandler_b
( 我觉得Reactor注册事件时并没有指定是在哪个socket上 发生的事件啊 他只说明了发生某个事件时由哪个Event_Handler来处理)
(this, ACE_Event_Handler::WRITE_MASK);
不知道我的表述有没有问题 register_handler
(this, ACE_Event_Handler::WRITE_MASK);
你去看看源码就知道,它在内部有调用处理器(this)的get_handle方法来获取handle 恩找到了
The ACE_Reactor's registration and removal methods offer multiple overloaded signatures to
facilitate their use in many different situations. For example, the register_handler()
methods can be used with any of the following signatures:
(ACE_Event_Handler *, ACE_Reactor_Mask)? In this version, the first parameter identifies
the application's event handler and the second indicates the type of event(s) the handler
is prepared to process. The method's implementation uses double-dispatching to
obtain a handle via the handler's get_handle() method. The advantage of this design is
that application code need not obtain nor expose an I/O handle explicitly, which prevents
accidental association of the wrong handle with an event handler. Most examples in this
book therefore use this variant of register_handler().
(ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Event_Handler *, ACE_Reactor_Mask)? In this version, a new first
parameter is added to explicitly specify the I/O handle associated with the application's
event handler. This design is potentially more error-prone than the two-parameter version
above since callers can accidentally pass an I/O handle that doesn't match the event
handler. However, it allows an application to register multiple I/O handles for the same
event handler, which is necessary for handlers that must be associated with multiple IPC
objects. This method can also be used to conserve memory if a single event handler can
process events from many unrelated I/O streams that don't require maintenance of per-
handle state. The client logging daemon example in the Example portion of Section 6.2
illustrates the three parameter variant of register_handler().