winston 发表于 2012-3-15 21:50:41


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二、 TG 推荐了麻省理工学院的一门课程《Structure and Interpretation of computer programs / 计算机程序员结构和解析》,这门课程视频地址是:
三、 Gatekiller 推荐的资源如下:How to Design ProgramsGraphics Programing Black BookReal World HaskellLet Over LambdaStarting ForthList of Free Online Python BooksList of Free Online Perl BooksSqueak by ExampleC# EssentialsList of Free Online Smalltalk BooksSuccessful LispIntroduction to Functional Programming四、ani625推荐了一些Linux相关书籍The Art of Unix ProgrammingAdvanced Linux Programming by CodeSourcery LLCJava Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz(PDF)Advanced Linux ProgrammingSecure Programming for Linux and UnixThe Linux Development PlatformSecure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTOC++ GUI Programming With Qt 3Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide by Ori PomerantzKDE 2.0 DevelopmentGTK+/Gnome Application DevelopmentGNU Autoconf, Automake and LibtoolThe Linux Kernel Module Programming GuidePHP EssentialsJavaScript EssentialsVisual Basic Essentials上面这4个推荐,是得票数最高的前4位。下面这些得票数不太高的,从中挑选了一些。The Django Book, GNU Free Document LicenseMercurial (Hg) book by Bryan O’Sullivan. (Mercurial 是一个分布式版本控制软件)37 Signals’ 公司的 “Getting Real” 也提供免费在线阅读。《Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes 》描述了人工智能领域中的 45个算法。所以这些算法的描述都连贯并完整,确保广大受众可以理解。 这本书也有免费的PDF版,也可以在线免费阅读。麻省理工学院关于计算机科学的开源课程:《Practical Common Lisp(实用Common Lisp 编程)》Sergio Acosta 强烈推荐的,特别适合对Lisp感兴趣的初学者,虽然这本书的纸质版并不免费,但作者Peter Seibel 允许免费在线阅读。

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