Linux系统下,需要大量的命令行选项,如果自己手动解析他们的话实在是有违软件复用的思想,不过还好,GNU C library留给我们一个解析命令行的接口(X/Open规范),好好使用它可以使你的程序改观不少。使用getopt_long()需要引入头文件:#include<getopt.h>
短选项 长选项 作用
-h --help 输出程序命令行参数说明然后退出
-o filename--output filename给定输出文件名
-v --version 显示程序当前版本后退出
2. 一个包含长选项字符串的结构体数组,每一个结构体包含4个域,第一个域为长选项字符串,第二个域是一个标识,只能为0或1,分别代表没有选项或有选项。第三个域永远为NULL。第四个选项域为对应的短选项字符串。结构体数组的最后一个元素全部位NULL和0,标识结束。在本例中,它应为以下的样子:
const struct option long_options[] = {
{"help", 0, NULL, 'h'},
{"output", 1, NULL, 'o'},
{"version", 0, NULL, 'v'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/**//* The name of this program. */
const char* program_name;
/**//* Prints usage information for this program to STREAM (typically
stdout or stderr), and exit the program with EXIT_CODE. Does not
return. */
void print_usage(FILE* stream, int exit_code)
fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s options [ inputfile ]\n",
"-h--hlep Display this usage information.\n"
"-o--output filename Write output to file.\n"
"-v--verbose Print verbose message.\n");
exit (exit_code);
/**//* Main program entry point. ARGC contains number of argument list
elements; ARGV is an array of pointers to them. */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int next_option;
/**//* A string listing valid short options letters. */
const char* const short_options = "ho:v";
/**//* An array describing valid long options. */
const struct option long_options[] = {
{"help", 0, NULL, 'h'},
{"output", 1, NULL, 'o'},
{"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0} /**//* Required at end of array. */
/**//* The name of the file to receive program output, or NULL for
* standard output.
const char* output_filename = NULL;
/**//* Whether to display verbose messages. */
int verbose = 0;
/**//* Remember the name of the program, to incorporate in messages.
* The name is stored in argv.
program_name = argv;
do {
next_option = getopt_long (argc, argv, short_options,
long_options, NULL);
switch (next_option)
case 'h': /**//* -h or --help */
/**//* User has requested usage information. Print it to
* standard output, and exit with exit code zero
* (normal termination).
print_usage(stdout, 0);
case 'o': /**//* -o or --output */
/**//* This option takes an argument, the name of the
* output file.
output_filename = optarg;
case 'v': /**//* -v or --verbose */
verbose = 1;
case '?': /**//* The user specified an invalid option. */
/**//* Print usage information to standard error, and exit
* with exit code one (indicating abnormal
* termination).
print_usage(stderr, 1);
case -1: /**//* Done with options. */
default: /**//* Something else: unexpected. */
while (next_option != -1);
/**//* Done with options. OPTINO points to first nonoption argument.
* FOr demonstration purposes, print them if the verbose option
* was specified.
if (verbose)
int i;
for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i)
printf("Argument: %s\n", argv);
/**//* The main program goes here. */
return 0;