ACE_TYPENAME 是什么意思啊~(总提出这么简单的问题,都感到不好意思了~;我也在慢慢地成长之中~)并且再求各位大虾帮帮忙,谁手头有ace的好文档之类的东西,可不可以给我传过来
期待中...... Sidebar 19: The C++ typename Keyword and ACE_TYPENAME MacroThe C++ typename keyword tells the compiler that a symbol (such as PEER_ADDR) is a type. This keyword is necessary when the qualifier is a template type argument (such as ACCEPTOR) because the compiler won't have a concrete class to examine until templates are instantiated, which could be much later in the build process. Since typename is a relatively recent addition to C++, ACE provides a portable way to specify it. The ACE_TYPENAME macro expands to the typename keyword on C++ compilers that support it and to nothing on compilers that don't.
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